lm_sensors Guide Or How To Monitor CPU Temperature in Linux / Fedora Core 6 ( > 2.6 Kernel)

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Monday, April 30, 2007

To monitor CPU temperature in Linux you will need to install lm_sensors package and then install gnome-applet-sensors (assuming you are using gnome) to get a nice graphical display. The devil is in the details. The shipped lm_sensors doesn’t work on Fedora Core 6 with 2.6 kernels. It also doesn’t support core 2 duo.

To use lm_sensors you will have to install it from the development repository.
Login as root and run the following:
rpm -iv https://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/i386/os/Fedora/lm_sensors-2.10.3-2.fc7.i386.rpm

This will install lm_sensors on your machine. You have completed the first step.

Note: The provided version number of lm_sensors is likely to change soon. So you are better off just browsing to https://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/i386/os/Fedora/ and selecting the latest lm_sensors package for installation.

You now need to detect available sensors on your system. Run sensors-detect from command line (after logging as root).
Accept all the default values.

At the end it will print out something like:

To make the sensors modules behave correctly, add these lines to

#—-cut here—-
# I2C module options
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
#—-cut here—-

Add the line, as instructed, to the end of /etc/modprobe.conf file.

Ignore the other instructions. Now run:
service lm_sensors start

This will start the lm_sensors service. Now run:
sensors -s
There should be no output. Next run:

This will list available sensors and provide current sensor data.

The last two steps are for checking that the sensor detection is working correctly.

Now install gnome-applet-sensors:
yum install gnome-applet-sensors

To activate it right click on a Gnome panel and choose Add to Panel. Then select Hardware Sensors Monitor.

lm_sensors requires coretemp kernel module which is only available in 2.6.21.x kernels and above. So you will have to install the development versions of kernel to use lm_sensors in core 2 duo systems. Personally I am waiting for the 2.6.21 release version. It will soon be released.

September 26, 2010: 3:08 am

Perfect post. Thanks!

May 18, 2009: 5:13 pm

Mais c’est vraiment du n’importe quoi… Franchement cela ne sert STRICTEMENT à rien de mettre ce genre d’articles, même pas travaillé…
C’est pitoyable. Laissez les vrais auteurs de tutoriel faire le travail et arrêtez de polluer les résultats google avec ce genre de M**** ….
Désolé pour le vocabulaire, mais je suis consterné qu’on puisse laisser faire ce genre de débilité.

October 15, 2007: 9:10 am

c’est pas vraiment la peine de faire de la traduction automatique…
le résultat est pitoyable

Julien MARY
August 28, 2007: 3:04 pm

Le francais écrit dans cette page est n’importe quoi. Ca ressemble à une traduction de l’anglais faite par google.Je ne vais faire qu’une citation mais elle est valable significative : “Maintenant course :” , même un gars du Québec ne parlerait pas comme ça.

Pour comprendre cette page, il faut la retraduire en anglais (mais littéralement) et ensuite la retraduire depuis l’anglais trouvé en un français correct. C’est franchement délirant.

Frank Phillips
August 22, 2007: 8:15 am

A correction: coretemp is in 2.6.22, not in any 2.6.21 kernel.

will not be displayed