Thoughts on US Presidential Election & Candidates
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkWednesday, May 23, 2007
US is standing on the cusp of the single most important event since the abolition of slavery and women’s suffrage. In the coming Presidential election democrats are generally being considered as having a greater chance to win. Two of the prominent democrat candidates are Senator Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, wife of ex-President Bill Clinton, and Senator Barack Obama. Either of them is a fine choice for US. Frankly anyone after Bush will automatically be a great choice but that is a topic for another day.
Mrs. Clinton, if elected, will be the first woman President of the most powerful nation of the world. It wasn’t that very long ago when women in US didn’t even have the right to vote. This will conclusively prove to all that in US women have become fully equal in every respect.
Senator Obama on the other hand, if elected, will be the first African-American to be elected as US President. After the torture and humiliation of slavery, Obama as President will serve to heal centuries of wound in African-American psyche. It will be 180 degree turnaround for the community, somewhat similar to the epochal event of Dr. Nelson Mandela being elected as the President of South Africa.
I wish either of them success in achieving the highest laurels. May the “force” be with them
The biggest question is can America show its guts once again and elect either of them as their President?
No more “we are sorry”. It is time to act, again.
PS. You may be thinking at this point that I am a democrat. Far from it. I am apathetic to any political parties.
October 24, 2008: 12:29 am
My thoughts and prayers are for America to come victorious on this difficult moment which the country is facing. I am sad at the same time when I see that number of fellow citizens are not taking seriously |