Web Video Advertising: UnrulyMedia - A Review

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Monday, March 3, 2008

UnrulyMedia is a new UK based entrant in price-per-view (viewing the video not page) video advertising on the web sites and blogs.

UnrulyMedia is different from traditional campaigns in that it pays only when a view is registered in the targeted area. For example, if a video ad is targeted for US audience, only views from US will be counted towards payment. UnrulyMedia defines a view as when someone in the targeted area views the video.

You get to choose your own campaigns (video ads) and ad size to display. It comes in 8 sizes. The ad code is in Javascript. They pay around 5-10 cents per view. You can see one such ad in this post itself.

Can it affect Google search engine rankings?
According to UnrulyMedia:

The video unit itself (not your content) does carry a link. (In fact, usually two. One on the video. One on the disclosure link). But this is occuring within an iFrame that’s called in by a JavaScript ad tag. We’re pretty sure that search engine spiders do not spider this content. To be safe, we put nofollow on both the links I mentioned, so in the outside case that they are picked up by a search engine spider it’s totally clear that we’re not trying to influence search rankings.

Google is deliberately obscure about changes to its algorithm and innocent parties do get caught in the crossfire sometimes, but embedding our videos should not and, as far as we’re aware, does not, have any impact on search rankings so should not be affected or targeted by Google’s crackdown on blogs that are inserting paid-for text links into editiorial.

October 10, 2008: 3:46 pm

Good stuff! I would add that another concept is the Video Business Directory. This is a lower cost to the advertiser and non-intrusive for the consumer. Bascially both advertisers and consumers come to one location to do business. What enhances this relationship is the ability for consumers to see company’s and their products & services in motion–a great way to help consumers make more informed decisions.

Brett Hill

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