Wild allegations against Burma - Is it next?

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Thursday, April 21, 2005

Dr Martin Panter, a medical doctor and international president of Christian Solidarity Worldwide, alleges the Burmese army was using chemical weapons against rebel fighters from the Karen ethnic minority.

Now this is the type of news that gets good ‘ol big brother (aka USA) all riled up and angry. USA already classes Burma as an “outpost of tyranny”.

How credible is “Christian Solidarity Worldwide”?
Would I trust such a group, with such a partisan agenda, to make a human rights statement? Not if my life depended on it. No Sir.

But then I am not Jr. Bush. I am sure the very name of the group would make much more impact on him.

The only thing AFAIK going in favor of Burma is that it doesn’t have much oil reserves, nowhere close to Iraq. So hopefully we wouldn’t have to see yet-another-hunt-for-imaginary-weapons war launched.

However that doesn’t stop the rhetoric and posing. The US and the EU have warned they could stop cooperating with Asean should Burma take the chair.

I often doubt if these countries are really free or is it like managed-freedom-watched-by-big-brother?


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