Barack Obama Creates Social Networking Site for Presidential Campaign
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkSaturday, February 10, 2007
Barack Obama, US presidential candidate, has taken a huge leap forward from his contemporaries by creating his own social networking site, in addition to maintaining his presence in YouTube and MySpace (possibly unofficial) and other places.
I just registered and created a blog to test the site. Currently the site is very slow with most requests failing, most likely due to its sudden popularity.
Update: The site is now redirecting to
Overall the concept is great to mobilize his troops around his campaign. It also has an campaign funding organizer.
In case you are wondering is powered by Apache 2.0.54 (Unix) and PHP 5.0.4.
Filed under: Headline News, Politics, Social Networking, Society, Technology, USA, Web, Web Hosting, Web Services
Tags: Barack Obama, Youtube
Tags: Barack Obama, Youtube