Collage of Bush & American Soldier’s Killed in Iraq

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Monday, August 7, 2006

U.S. service members who died in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
Bush & US Soldiers Killed in Iraq
via Bad Bad Bush
You can view the full list here.

I think it is serious and deplorable loss of human life and property, both Iraqi’s and American’s, for no good reason.

Filed under: Headline News, Life, USA

August 7, 2006: 11:32 am

I am very much against Islamic fundamentalism (check my blog before commenting). However I am also very much against Bush’ fundamentalism.

> Iraq is a a worthy cause.
Why is that? Did the Iraqi’s ask for liberation? Was there a referendum? Try taking one even now.

> Bringing democracy to an area ruled by dictators is good for everyone

That depends on the type of Dictator. I would prefer Chavez any day over say Bush.

I think you are conflicting fighting terrorism with attacking Iraq. In fact attacking Iraq has actually helped terrorist causes by allowing them to easily get more recruits from Muslim world which feels attacked and humiliated by Bush & Co. Blair finally gets it.

Stop blindly supporting Bush and have the balls to actually post your real name.

Welcome to Simple Thoughts.

Geroge Bush
August 7, 2006: 10:22 am

I’d like to see your posts on loss of life incurred under Sadam and perhaps comments on crimes committed by islamic fundamentalists.

What about terror groups like hesbala?

Iraq is a a worthy cause. Bringing democracy to an area ruled by dictators is good for everyone (except the dictators).

Loss of life is always unfortunate. Sadly those who lose control feel compelled to fight and kill innocent people.

It’s become evident that appeasment is not the answer. Someone has to have the balls to stand up and deal with terrorism. Thankfully you’re not in charge.

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