Privacy is Easy to Breach - Exposing an Undercover CIA Operative

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Saturday, July 16, 2005

After Karl Rove, one of Jr. Bush’s most trusted advisers, publicly outed an undercover CIA operative, David Lazarus of SF Gate takes it a step further by uncovering the full details of the operative, including her address, personally identifiable information and complete with a detailed map of her home.

And all in less than 30 minutes by using publicly available tools like Google Search(free web search engine), ZabaSearch (free online people search tool), LexisNexis (prominent data broker; paid-per-search or through subscription) and Google Map(free).

He started with just the name - Joseph C. Wilson IV and that his wife is Valerie Plame as informed by Novak. As you can see from a simple google search with just the name you get to know that he was born in November 6, 1949. He used that to find his address from ZabaSearch by guessing his state as Washington, D.C.. Armed with his home address, he found the name of his wife from LexisNexis. Searching on his wife from LexisNexis he found that her maiden name was Plame, Valerie E. His quest was coming to an end. He used Google Map to zoom on his home location and found tidbits about his locality etc.

By now the damage is done. Their privacy has been completely breached all thanks to Karl Rove, one of Jr. Bush’s most trusted advisers.


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