10 Recommended Gadgets to Reduce Stress
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkWednesday, April 15, 2009
Our lives are synonymous to stress these days. The economic recession along with corporate sector’s exploitation has seen millions of jobs unsettling in the recent times. Parallelly anxities, tendency to choke down have been prevalent in our lives and every one talk of how stressed they are physically and mentally. While the traditional methods like meditation being effective but taking a lot to be practised, there are some gadgets that can play like extreme stress busters if used perfectly and if you know what to use. Gadgetophilics have some social aspects to consider too. And that being on the cards, very timely, they have brought out top 10 gadgets to reduce your stress. The list consists
- Stress erasers giving you bio feedbacks
- The Mind Relaxer
- USB Punch head
- iComFoot Foot Massager
- and some silly ones too like punching bag, stress buster balls etc.
I am sure this list will help you reduce stress considerably.
Tags: gadgets to get rid of stress, stress buster gadgets, top 10 gadgets to relieve your stress, top 10 stress buster gadgets