Top 10 Java Trouble Ticket System
By Partho, Gaea News NetworkThursday, June 25, 2009
For those without any knowledge of trouble ticket system, let’s being from the scratch. Trouble ticket system (aka. issue tracking system) is a software package designed to manage and maintain lists of issues, required in an organization. Ticket’s are files contained within the trouble ticket system that contain information about support interventions reported by the technical support staff or any other third party on behalf of an end-user. The software is most commonly used in customer support services to create, update, and resolve the issues reported by customers, or other issues reported by the employees of the organization. The system also encloses a knowledge base containing information on each customer, solutions for common problems, and other such data.
The entire trouble ticket system has a workflow. For a better understanding let’s take a small demo. Suppose a customer support technician receives a email, telephone call, or any other communication from a customer complaining about a problem. This might also be in the form of an authentic error reporting. In case, the technician finds the problem is real, he gathers entire information about the problem in details and creates an issue in the system, entering all the relevant data provided by the customer. As work on the issue progresses, the system is updated with the solution to fix the problem. Once the issue is completely solved, it is indicated as resolved in the issue tracking system. There are several trouble ticket system out there in the market, but most of them are on the higher end of price. We decided to focus on the open source issue tracking systems that involve minimal expenditure and maintenance cost. After a thorough research we assorted a list of top 10 Java trouble ticket system.
1. itracker
It is a true open source help desk application with that emphasizes on modularity. This trouble ticket system is built using Java enterprise technology. itracker provides a simple and easy to use interface. It is easy to integrate, fast, modular and scalable solution for all types of projects. Th issue/bug tracking system offers rich features like full i18n support, detailed histories, issue searching, file attachments, dynamic reports with charts, configurable field values, multiple versions and project components, customizable project level fields, a built-in scheduler, pluggable authentication and email notifications.
2. Bugzero
This bug tracking software is free open source bug tracking tool. It is designed for software defect tracking and works as a general issue management tool for helpdesk customer support and trouble ticketing. Bugzero provides an enterprise grade solution that can increases a units work efficiency. It can be fully configured to accommodate the business process and workflow of an organization. The system includes standard technologies, web-based, light-weight feature-rich. It runs on cross platform with one code base written in Java and J2EE. Evidently, Bugzero offers a simple interface that is requires not end-user training.

It is an defect tracking system that doubles up as a planning tool for Agile projects. JIRA lets the user create various schemes for workflows, notification and screens. Various issue types (Defects, stories, sub-tasks) and fields (Priority, Severity, blocking issues, releases and so on) can be configured in JIRA. One of the unique features of JIRA is configuring the dashboard. The system offers multiple dashboards and on every dashboard the user can publish reports that offer the status of defects, defects for components / projects and more.
4. TrackStudio
It is a multi-facet solution for defect and issue management. TrackStudio is a web-based system with several features that include explorer-style user interface, WYSIWYG bug description editor, Cross-platform supports for different browsers, Full internationalization support (web, e-mail, reports), JavaScript-based form validation prior to submission It offers filters to search tasks by complex criteria. TrackStudio offers multiple filters per projects. The system allows addition of unlimited custom fields to the tasks. TrackStudio features automatic and highly-customizable Email notification.
5. Scrarab
It is a project striving to develop an Artifact tracking system. Build with Java Servlet technology, Scrarab offers increased speed, scalability and maintainability. The Artifact tracking system include data entry, queries, reports, dependency tracking, notifications to interested parties, collaborative accumulation of comments. It has fully customizable Modules and Artifact types(Defect, Enhancement, Requirement, etc). The Attributes - Operating System, Status, Priority,etc are defined as per the Modules, so each of the Modules are configured for specific tracking requirement. Further, the issue tracking software can be integrated into larger systems by re-implementation of the key interfaces.
6. Jtrac
It is an open source trouble ticket web application written in Java. It is a lightweight J2EE application built on the Spring Framework.Jtrac includes all the standard features of issue-tracking application like customizable workflow, email integration and support for file-attachment. The system is highly-customizable and allows especial customization options for areas of workflow and field-level permissions. Following custom fields can be added to a tracker Project - drop down List, free text field, date picker and number. JTrac allows each tracker project to have a different workflow. Other key features of Jtrac include detailed history view, attachment support, search across all projects export to excel, cross referencing of items, dashboard, simple navigation and multi-language support.
7. Bugtracker
This is a web based trouble ticket system that allows tracking of bugs in software development and reporting issues and new features for an existing site or software. Bugtracker is built around MySQL utilizing Java Servlets for a web based front end. Currently, bugtracker is in a state of flux and heading for major redesign to utilize J2EE and Enterprise Javabeans that would enable the distribution of the core component of Bugtracker.
8. Elips
This is a unique open source Electronic Issue Processing Software that is capable of managing different types of issues like bug correction request, task processing request enhancement request and work processing request. Elips is developped in Java and Jsp technologies. It runs up with Tomcat and MySQL on Windows platform. The software is easy to use and can be configured according to the organizational requirements.
9. WorkRoll Bug Tracker

It’s a web-based bug tracker that runs under any Servlets 2.2-compatible application server. The users can access WorkRoll through the web browsers and the entire administration is web based (no text files to configure, no XML to write).The issues can be tracked on the basis of status (open, closed or resolved) and priority (very low, low, normal, high, and emergency). Both files and URls of any type can be associated with the attachments. Unlike most of the bug-tracking software needs no external database, as it comes with its own importing and exporting features that allows full control over the data.
10. TrackIt
This is a Web-based project tracking tool designed to offer optimal flexibility, customization and utility to developers.TrackIt encloses built-in support for various Extreme Programming constructs. It also features full CVS and Subversion integration. It allows advanced reporting via SQL and simple listing via HQL.
Now you have the list of top 10 Java trouble ticket system. In case you have some views to share on the software just drop-in you comments.
Tags: Bug tracking, Bug tracking system, issue tracking system, Java Trouble Ticket System, Javabeans, JSP, Maintenance, Open Source, Project tracking, Servlet, Servlets, ticket, Web application