Top Blogs of BlogAds - Face The Reality And Get Instant Blog Nirvana

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Friday, March 10, 2006

I was browsing through Blogads order page (search “Simple Thoughts” to find ours) and was surprised to find the top blogs in terms of page views in BlogAds.

Now BlogAds is an independent entity and it is likely that the pageviews they are reporting is pretty accurate and real users (or at least bots who also fetches associated javascripts). Can you guess in which category the top blogs belong?

Here are the top seven blogs:

  • What Would Tyler Durden Do? - Celebrity gossip (4,269,490 page view per week)
  • Daily Kos - Political (4,209,520 page views per week)
  • The Superficial - Celebrity gossip (4,065,872 page views per week)
  • Egotastic! - Celebrity gossip
  • - Celebrity gossip
  • Hollywoodtuna - Celebrity gossip
  • Raw Story - Political

So now you know what people read - celebrity gossip and some politics. If you want to create a highly popular blog with super large readership then your best bet is celebrity gossip or opinionated political slandering (second choice).

I can summarize it further. Here is your recipe for instant blog fame - Paris Hilton.

January 28, 2010: 11:43 pm

This is not a sucide attempt. Just some research on matter for my blog. Once again the information is for my blog. I do need painfree methods to complete my blog. Thanks

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