
NEW YORK - The Christmas shopping season doesn't kick off for another six weeks, but retailers already are signaling they're prepared to discount aggressively to entice shoppers still skittish about spending.

TEHRAN, Iran - Iran's foreign ministry spokesman is claiming that a computer worm found on the laptops of several employees at the country's nuclear power plant is part of a covert Western plot to derail the Iranian atomic program.

TEHRAN, Iran - Iran's intelligence minister said the country has learned how to fight off a complex computer worm that some foreign experts have speculated was designed to target Tehran's nuclear program, state television reported Saturday.

WASHINGTON - A cyber worm burrowing into computers linked to Iran's nuclear program has yet to trigger any signs of major damage, but it was likely spawned either by a government or a well-funded private group, according to a new analysis.

TEHRAN, Iran - A complex computer worm capable of seizing control of industrial plants has affected the personal computers of staff working at Iran's first nuclear power station weeks before the facility is to go online, the official news agency reported Sunday.
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