Google Web Elements to help you add News, Calendars, Presentations etc to your blog within seconds

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Thursday, May 28, 2009

google-logoGoogle is having its I/O developers’ conference in San Francisco this week. So expect a lot of updates in the keynotes they are addressing meanwhile. Yesterday, Google announced new web elements for your website. That means it will be easier to add gadgets i.e. different Google services at ease in your website. The feature launches with Elements for embedding

  1. Google Calendars,
  2. Google News feeds
  3. YouTube videos
  4. Presentations
  5. Spreadsheets
  6. Maps etc.

Every thing is very very easy as you can expect from Google. You set an option or two, then get a snippet of code you can add to a page to embed the content. But then again, putting javascript inside your blog’s code isn’t preferred by all. take as an e.g. technologizer.  I wonder why Google hasn’t implemented the drag and drop type of widgetized environment for these services which I believe, in near future they will, eventually.

Here is a screen-shot to what Google will actually like to offer:


Like say, if you add this code to your blog, you will get google custom search added to your blog.

I am not including all the codes here coz you might miss on the options that Google is offering for every widget. See for yourself. For e.g.,

Google custom search web element

So if you are interested, you will have to visit Google web element widgets

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