Introduction To Ruby For Java Developers

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Friday, June 30, 2006

Most Java programmers attempt to use Ruby like they use Java, similar to the mistakes C/C++ programmers commit when transitioning to Java. However Ruby provides a cleaner programming paradigm which if embibed can be effectively used to solve your problems. But you need a good introduction, right?

Here is a good introduction to Ruby for Java developers. Reading through the article I could sense the underlying spirit of Ruby programming. There are several things in Ruby which should be adopted by Java to remain relevant moving forward and to bring more fun in Java programming. I would definitely, despite my earlier reservations, do a decent project in Ruby as soon as I get a chance.

On a different note I found the perfect solution to the getter and setter problem in Java. I plan to code it up at the earliest opportunity. I can assure you that it will solve your getter-setter headache forever and no more dumb code generation using IDE or even with the compiler etc. and yet it will fully serve the underlying requirements of the paradigm. I may not be able to get it into JSR but it surely will solve your problems even without any Sun support.

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