Why Your WordPress Blog Posting is Slow

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Monday, August 27, 2007

One of the good reason is that one (or more) of the servers you ping after you publish a post has gone down or is overloaded. When you publish a new post, WordPress automatically notifies the configured ping servers that your site has been updated.

For last few days my blog postings were taking virtually forever. So I explored and identified the culprit:

I removed this server from the list and posting time went back to normal. Remove this server from your list of servers to ping for the time being. You will find your configured ping servers under Options->Writing in Updates Services section.

June 19, 2010: 8:39 am

I’m having huge hangs after each of my posts as well, as my website is an Anime video website, I make roughly 100+ posts/day, each post hanging sometimes for 10mins. It can get really irritating, so I’ll look into this ping thing and get back to you.


April 22, 2009: 4:07 am

Its good for you to find your solution. But in my case is different. I still don’t know why my blog post is really slow. I have more than 10.000 record in my blog. Recently i face this issue every time i tried to post something new in my blog. Any idea?

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