A Thought Provoking Post From Past - Google & The Puzzle of Dropping Eggs Or What Makes Web 2.0 Click

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Friday, October 5, 2007

I wrote an article on a Google interview question in June, 2006 describing the problem and offering a simple solution. What makes this article interesting is that several people came up with better ideas and very thought provoking comments. If you are a puzzle enthusiast, you will surely enjoy the article; if not for the article but more importantly for the alternative solutions proposed. They excel in many cases the original solution; they also provide lots of original thoughts. If I like anything as much as simple thoughts, it is original thoughts.

This is an example, out of many, where the original value of the article is increased manifold due to comments. This is what makes blogs and in general Web 2.0 work - user interactivity. Ease of user interactivity and increasing the power of average users is what made Digg such a popular hit over say Slashdot or many other Web 1.0 sites.

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