How To Change Java Compiler in Ant on Fedora Core / Linux

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Friday, June 22, 2007

Fedora Core team, in its infinite wisdom, decided to ship a so-called “free” (but essentially useless and crappy; pardon my French) JVM (read gcj) with its installation. Not only that this “free” JVM is integrated with java softwares from Fedora repositories making them pretty hard to use too. I think this is a ridiculous decision by the Fedora Core team. Anyway so we are stuck with ant which somehow, as if by magic, picks up the old gcj based Java compiler, even though I have installed JDK 1.6 on my machine and the executables are in path.

I tried several options to force ant to use the JDK 1.6 compiler but without any success. For example I tried specifying the path of javac executable, specified the source and target etc. Finally I stumbled upon a simple solution.

In Fedora Core ant can be configured using /etc/ant.conf. I simply opened the file and specified the JAVA_HOME there like:

That’s all it took to override its default settings.


August 7, 2007: 10:23 pm

senti questo e quello che serve per il problema del quale hai parlato
vai sul sito della java scarichi il pacchetto JDK 1.6 per linux no il rpm autoextraente ma il bin dopo che hai il pacchetto entri come root e spostalo JDK 1.6.bin in /opt dopo vai in /opt e fai chmod +x JKD1.6.bin dayi un bell yes a la licensa e ti crea la cartella a questo punto puoi cancelare il file bin ma la cosa no finisci qua visto che bisogna dirle a fedora che versione usare di java “alternatives –install /usr/bin/java java /opt/cartella_jdk/bin/java 2″per commodita usare il auto completamento,adesso facciamo “alternatives –config java”e scegliamo quella che aviamo messo noi in /opt quindi la cosa e chiara per piu chiarimeti andate su

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