How To Install Sun JVM (JDK 1.5.x) on Linux / Fedora Core in 5 Simple Steps
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkTuesday, December 26, 2006
Install Sun’s Java Virtual Machine ( J2SE(TM) Development Kit 5.0 Update 9 ) on Fedora Core / Linux platform in 5 simple steps. The procedure is geared for users having access to Linux box from ssh / telnet only as in a vpn / dedicated web hosting. However it can be used by anyone.
Step 1:
Login as root (su) and cd to a temporary directory for downloads. Suppose your user name is john then you can do:
cd ~john
Step 2:
Download J2SE(TM) Development Kit 5.0 Update 9 as Linux RPM in self-extracting file using wget. To do that first browse to this link using your browser. After accepting the license copy the link corresponding to Linux RPM in self-extracting file.
Use wget to copy the link. Specify the output file as wget will be unable to save the default name it generates because it is too long:
wget…i586-rpm.bin -O jdk-1_5_0_09-linux-i586-rpm.bin
Note: -O specifies the output file as shown above.
Step 3:
Install JVM as follows:
sh jdk-1_5_0_09-linux-i586-rpm.bin
Step 4:
Now download java-1.5.0-sun-compat- using wget.
Install it as follows:
rpm -i java-1.5.0-sun-compat-
This sets up environment variables, paths, symbolic links etc.
Step 5:
Create a new console and type java
. You should see something like:
Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
You are done!
January 8, 2010: 7:50 pm
Just a questions… Do you know how to disable WordPress from caching pages temporary so I can turn it off while developing, but turn it back on when the site is live? |
![]() Ivetoushka |
September 4, 2008: 11:28 am
Tu guia me parece INAPROPIADA e inservivble para personas que APENAS comenzamos con Linuz, deberias de hacer guias para personas asi si no por eso es porque linuxd no tiene tanta demanda como windows |
![]() stefan |
![]() don |
March 16, 2007: 8:10 pm
Great info, been fighting this for a couple hours and this fixed it straigh away. thanks |
February 16, 2007: 1:28 pm
I installed JVM 1.6 on Linux.In Windows when I double click jar files it directly starts Java application.However, in Linux it starts archive application and shows the class files of the jar archive.How I can adjust it to run directly JVM? |
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