How To Install Sun JVM (JDK 1.5.x) on Linux / Fedora Core in 5 Simple Steps

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Install Sun’s Java Virtual Machine ( J2SE(TM) Development Kit 5.0 Update 9 ) on Fedora Core / Linux platform in 5 simple steps. The procedure is geared for users having access to Linux box from ssh / telnet only as in a vpn / dedicated web hosting. However it can be used by anyone.

Step 1:
Login as root (su) and cd to a temporary directory for downloads. Suppose your user name is john then you can do:

cd ~john

Step 2:
Download J2SE(TM) Development Kit 5.0 Update 9 as Linux RPM in self-extracting file using wget. To do that first browse to this link using your browser. After accepting the license copy the link corresponding to Linux RPM in self-extracting file.

Use wget to copy the link. Specify the output file as wget will be unable to save the default name it generates because it is too long:
wget…i586-rpm.bin -O jdk-1_5_0_09-linux-i586-rpm.bin

Note: -O specifies the output file as shown above.

Step 3:
Install JVM as follows:

sh jdk-1_5_0_09-linux-i586-rpm.bin

Step 4:
Now download java-1.5.0-sun-compat- using wget.
Install it as follows:
rpm -i java-1.5.0-sun-compat-

This sets up environment variables, paths, symbolic links etc.

Step 5:
Create a new console and type java. You should see something like:

Usage: java [-options] class [args...]

You are done!


film izle
January 8, 2010: 7:50 pm

Just a questions… Do you know how to disable WordPress from caching pages temporary so I can turn it off while developing, but turn it back on when the site is live?

September 4, 2008: 11:28 am

Tu guia me parece INAPROPIADA e inservivble para personas que APENAS comenzamos con Linuz, deberias de hacer guias para personas asi si no por eso es porque linuxd no tiene tanta demanda como windows

June 11, 2007: 6:56 pm

this was a great help! Thx!

March 16, 2007: 8:10 pm

Great info, been fighting this for a couple hours and this fixed it straigh away. thanks

February 16, 2007: 1:28 pm

I installed JVM 1.6 on Linux.In Windows when I double click jar files it directly starts Java application.However, in Linux it starts archive application and shows the class files of the jar archive.How I can adjust it to run directly JVM?

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