IT Business Incubation After Hurricane Katrina, in New Orleans
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkWednesday, June 14, 2006
Hurricane Katrina devastated scores of IT businesses. One bright turning point has arrived - The New Orleans IT Recovery Center.
Located downtown on Prytania Street, the center promised to help IT companies get back on their feet. For just $100 a month, tenants would get a desk, a laptop and wireless internet access. Tenants could stay up to two years.
The New Orleans IT Recovery Center is the result of the combined efforts of the Louisiana Technology Council and Louisiana Economic Development. The Pittsburgh Technology Council donated 20 IBM ThinkPad laptop computers. Microsoft gave free software, and an engineering firm offered furniture.
So far, five IT companies inhabit the center, with all 12 offices full. Lee Pryor oversees the center and helps tenants find resources they need. He is looking for additional space to accommodate the mounting demand for services.
via Wired News