Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows: Voldy Got Moldy…
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkFriday, July 20, 2007
I have to say Mrs. J. K. Rowling loves her Harry Potter fanbase too much and listens not only to their requests but their humors too. Spoilers ahead…. you have been warned.
So as Voldy gets moldy, let’s have some fun with the new Potter book. A book where finally all the inconsistencies and riddles have been adequately explained like Dumby’s death, a secret crush and more.
What I like about Rowling’s book are that they never fail to be engrossing (except probably the last one which I didn’t like particularly), keeping you awake for hours at night till finished. I have feeling you will all enjoy Harry-Voldy’s latest and final saga and its engrossing but rather convoluted finale.
Rowling has bowed to her fans wishes and created an ending which any Harry Potter fan would love. She is such a tease
Apparently Rowling’s army of lawyers have been less vigilant this time as the internet is flooded with leaks of report. You too have heard about it, haven’t you?
So just as a teaser think about all the questions you want answered going into this book. My questions in no particular order were:
1. Is Snape the bad guy as projected?
2. Why did someone apparently as intelligent as Dumbledore die so lamely in the hands of Draco / Snape?
3. Does Harry / Ron / Hermione gets killed?
All of mine were answered and more.
Are you waiting in line for a book?
BTW: Do you think the “bitch” word is suitable for a childrens book? Didn’t we all like the Ruddy Hell’s and Blimey?
July 11, 2009: 6:57 pm
Itz aiight. Bitch iz now a world renound wurd andthe youngest of kidz r saying it theze dayz. I know Tonkz,Fred, Lupin, Voldy, and Colin Creevey ( da kid who waz obsezzed w/ Harry) died. Now of ur reading diz, letz have a moment of silence 4 them. |
![]() tanya |
September 3, 2007: 8:06 am
Just a few things I want to comment on. |
August 23, 2007: 2:16 pm
Yes, it is a common word. But using it in semi-children’s literature… was interesting, especially as the word is probably demeaning to women in general. The word hoever fits well the contest. |
![]() Maria |
August 22, 2007: 5:09 pm
But still thanks for the rest of the article!!!! It was a good one!!! BUT…i also don’t agree with the part a bout the 6th Harry Potter book!!!! I loved it!!!! But that’s just me!!!!!! - Maria (Again)!!!!!!!! |
![]() Maria |
August 22, 2007: 5:07 pm
you people r sometimes r soooo over pertective!!!! I mean come on, to me a word is a word!!! The word “bitch” fits sooooo well in the situtation!!!! If your daughter could die any second i’m sure you would call the lady killing her a bitch!!!! I still thinks it’s a children’s book because they’re aren’t that bad of things in the book!!! yeah, they use words like “bitch” but in my opinion Deathly Halllows is still a children’s book!!!!!!!!!!! |
![]() vanessa |
August 22, 2007: 5:49 am
Dear Heather, Thank you for your explanation.It all makes sense now. |
![]() Heather |
August 7, 2007: 2:27 pm
Lily and James Potter knew that Lord Voldemort was looking for them. They were in hiding! And the reason they weren’t expecting voldemort and therefore not prepared for his attack (no wands and no members of the Order of Phoenix close by) was that they were under the protection of the fidelius charm. The fidelius charm prevents anyone from entering the house or discovering the subjects of the fidelius charm unless the secret keeper chooses to inform someone of their whereabouts and the charm therefore is broken (that person is able to enter the house). Peter Pettigrew (wormtail) was the Potters secret keeper and he betrayed them to Lord Voldemort but as the final book explains in the recount of Lord Voldemort’s attack, the Potters did not know of wormtail’s betrayal. I hope this clears everything up for you! |
![]() Heather |
August 7, 2007: 1:29 pm
I also agree that the word “bitch” was acceptable and Harry Potter has turned from being a children’s book to a teenage/adult book as the character Harry has grown. I extremely enjoyed the final book and was highly satisfied by the way in which J.K Rowling managed to keep Harry (Ron and Hermione also) alive without it becoming a very predictable and banal ending. But was it just me or did most people find the names of Harry Potter’s children disturbing?- naming two of his children after his dead parents and one after two former headmasters of Hogwarts. Why couldn’t Harry and Ginny think of names of their own? Why didn’t poor Fred Weasley and Sirius Black get a child named after then? - Since they were very important also in Harry and Ginny’s lives. |
![]() vanessa |
August 6, 2007: 1:46 am
I loved the last Harry Potter’s book and couldn’t put it down once I startes reading it, but one question remains.. |
August 4, 2007: 2:05 pm
i love this book! i did stay up all night to finish it! the word bitch was used in a sutibla [sorry for my spelling] situation |
![]() chanzi |
August 2, 2007: 11:44 am
it is more like an adult book and i did stay up all night reading it but i finaly finished it yay befor my mum and dad which i am pround of.The ending aswell was very good i thought. I was suprised when i read that the word “bitch” was used but it does go with the scene and the mood that was set. The only bad thing about the book was that it is the last one but i am hoping that maybe she will do a book on what happend befor Harry was born but if she does i think she shold have a well deserved rest.Hope everyone liked HP as much as me. |
![]() adam |
July 29, 2007: 2:32 pm
i disagree, this is the only one that kept me up 2 nights in a row: imma slow reader too. Rowling did not bow the whole thing was planned from the start (too many supporting strings to break and edit for a fanbase that was nonexistant during the creation of the first in the series) questions: answered by my opinion and belief only 1 snape was the good guy: held to dubledore’s plan once he started paying any attention to dumbledore 2 i agree that it was a lame death the answer lies only in J K Rowlings attempt to create the plot that twisted so many times, a few things werent as good as they could have with a more subtle plot like that of the lord of the rings books and so one 3 in the epilogue it states that harry, ron and hermione live 19 years after voldemort died -why list questions to which you have answers? -the word bitch was used in such a way that mothers (if understanding of the plot) would most likely agree that it was a passable part of the text and essential for the mood of the scene: loyalty to eachother and a gathering of good (love) vs. evil (voldemort and/or deatheaters) in the most magical place in the plot (hogwarts) |
![]() anthon y |
July 24, 2007: 6:29 pm
it doesnt matter kids use the word bitch all the time so what it is a book gimmie a break |
July 23, 2007: 12:46 pm
Well said. Come to think of it there were lots of dead bodies lying around in Ministry of Magic. Harry Potter is interesting in that the books were initially targeted for children. It was one of her primary objectives - to make children read more. So you have words like ruddy for bloody and other weird euphemisms. However as Harry grew so did the language to an extent. In the end it is very much a teenage and adult book. |
![]() Denise |
July 23, 2007: 3:02 am
Sure did like this books (apart for some lengthy bits in the middle) and yes, it did keep me awake nearly all night. Lots was answered, the end of Harry, Voldy - both, or none, or one, or….?! pretty good. And the end to the end Anyway - to your question: Is “bitch” a suitable word for a childrens book. Well, to call this last book a childrens book is (as Ron would put it) MENTAL. Not a childrens book at all!! Parental Guidance urgently required. And as to the word “bitch”. You surely must be an American to ask such a question - not worried about the graphic desciption of most painful torture and deaths - but at the word bitch…, which is - let’s says - more than suitable at that moment, with that happening, in that situation. |
mrs. Potter