How to reject someone without suffering - Introducing The Official Rejection Line

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

“Welcome to New York City Rejection Line”…”You have been officially rejected”.
A free phone service which you can avail to reject someone be it in love or employment.

Someone won’t leave you alone?
Give them “your” number: 212-479-7990
The official New York Rejection Line!

It does feel very heartless. Another layer of de-humanizing society. Now you can get rejected by an answering machine, which implies that you are not even worthy of a face-to-face rejection in the eyes of your rejector!

The website explains

We do the rejecting. You spend time doing things you enjoy, like walking in the park, going to cultural events, and dating attractive people.

Rejection Line Tips:
* Streamline your personal business, and familial relationships
* Use at bars, clubs, and art exhibitions
* Page to cell phones and beepers
* Write on bathroom walls
* Store in your cell phone as your “private line”
* Leave as a mysterious and sexy voicemail
* Give to creditors, telemarketers, and religious zealots

Along these lines I have a business idea. How about an Official Firing Line. You are given a number to call and you hear - “Sorry, you are fired! The pink slip is in the mail”. I know many managers who would love that.

Filed under: How To, Humor, Life, Technology

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November 18, 2005: 1:10 pm

[...] You are very angry with your significant other / fiance or your boss. How better to show your anger and utter contempt than to flush your cellphone down the toilet while he/she is still speaking. Imagine the look on his face when his monologue is greeted by a flushing toilet. So you are ready to shove the rejection-line to your current lover /girl|boy-friend. How can you convey it more sincerely than to let him / her be greeted with the music of a well-done flush? It convey with finality the message. [...]

November 13, 2005: 4:12 pm

How about getting a rejection line in Canada!!?

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