Time for “Best Viewed in Firefox”?

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Monday, February 14, 2005

I have started seeing sites with “Best viewed in Firefox”. It reminds me of the days of “Best viewed in Internet Explorer”.

In my quest for creating rounded borders, without using nasty tables and bunch of images, I realized that CSS3 supports it and so does Mozilla group of browsers (like Firefix).

Here’s a guide to Mozilla specific Style Properties for making such sites. However remember to include the equivalent CSS3 attributes where avaiilable. That will make the sites future-proof.

Am I recommending it? No. I believe web pages should be as browser compatible as possible. And Internet Explorer is still the dominant browser. So it would be foolish to ignore Internet Explorer. However you are free to make different pages for IE and Forefox users. Actually two different pages are not necessary. You can have the pages in XML and use stylesheets to serve different browsers and user agents. A simpler option would be to load different stylesheets dynamically based on user-agent property.

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