WordPress 2.5 Released: Will WordPress 2.5 Be The First Problem Free Major Version? … Maybe Not

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Every major & minor version of WordPress (1.5, 2.0, 2.1…) comes with teething problems which are then fixed in patch releases. Will WordPress 2.5 release finally break the curse? Maybe not…

WordPress 2.5 ships with 238 open defects, of which 5 are blockers (no software should ship with blockers) and 15 major defects in terms of severity. WordPress 2.5 ships with 11 high priority defects.

The high priority defects are:
4379 Bad character in alt attribute of an img tag
4463 Strange paging links
5792 delete_post doesn’t appear to be called when deleting via AJAX
5823 Unused text and RSS widgets lose data after 2.5 upgrade assigned
6110 Custom permalinks created from plugin hooking in to WP redirects don’t work.
6262 Automatic Plugin Upgrade could break new plugins that require special instructions for upgrading
6315 ID’s missing from all admin screens
6352 Tabindex bugs in trunk new westi
6406 Flash uploader won’t work on Ubuntu/Linux
6443 flash uploader didn’t show in IE7, showed script errors
6444 Changeset 7561 (post rc3) leaves an open

at the end of the inserted gallery html

The blockers are:
5586 Auto installer for themes and plugins
6236 Platform independence issues with the pclzip class
6406 Flash uploader won’t work on Ubuntu/Linux
6443 flash uploader didn’t show in IE7, showed script errors
6444 Changeset 7561 (post rc3) leaves an open

at the end of the inserted gallery html

Here is a sample of things to come?

When I try to upgrade plugins automatically in the latest version of Wordpress (is this the first 2.5 problem on the forums?! Woo!) I get this error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class pclzip in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/xxx.xxx/httpdocs/wordpress/wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php on line 162

Any ideas?


Chilled complained on 2.5 RC2 - The editor box is much too big

Sparkyewu compains - 2.5 RC2/RC3 publish date can not be changed.

Are they fixed in 2.5 stable release? I doubt it considering the number of open defects with which it was shipped.

It appears WordPress 2.5 ships with cookie authentication vulnerability (#5367). With read-only access to the Wordpress database, it is possible to generate a valid login cookie for any account, without resorting to a brute force attack. This allows a limited SQL injection vulnerability to be escalated into administrator access. This vulnerability is known to be actively exploited. It was found in WordPress 2.3.1 and was scheduled for 2.4 and then 2.5.

Note: The data above has been gleaned from WordPress trac. It is possible that some of the above defects have been fixed but wasn’t marked as such in trac.

May 6, 2008: 9:45 am

[...] WordPress 2.5 Released: Will WordPress 2.5 Be The First Problem Free Major Version? … Maybe No… The Secret To Twitter » WordPress 2.5 Released in Error, Withdrawn & Released Again [...]

April 3, 2008: 4:24 am

I just wonder if WP 2.5 is realy working with any theme!
I spent hours to set my blog up

But still not working like the theme demo!

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