10 Ways to Ethically Make Money On The Internet
By Chandrajit, Gaea News NetworkFriday, September 3, 2010
“All that Glitters is not Gold.”
I bet you must have heard the Quote many times till date. But, know what??? This Quote may prove its utmost, when you log onto the World Wide Web for earning money. Got puzzled… huh!!! A word of advice for all of you: If there is anyone searching for shortcuts to make money on the Internet, your search is bound to be a never ending process. You may earn a few bucks by some black hat methods, but don’t expect to make make a fortune out of it. The ultimatum says: “No Work, No Money!!! There’s no shortcut to a Fortune.”
Before moving into the intricate details on How to make money on the Internet, let’s take a tour through the most common hurdles. In the first place, when people think of making money on the Internet, do you know what they do??? They Google it. That’s the first mistake. Google is too big a search engine to catch the small ones. Of course, they list the small ones for you too, but who cares for the results at the last pages. So, what do the searches in the 1st few pages say??? They throw out the articles stuffed in with the most obvious keywords. But, none of them speak in a straight way. Why would they??? Everyone loves monopoly. None love competition. And those who show you a few ways have underlying marketing threads that churn out profits every moment. It might be a bitter truth for this group of Internet Marketers but nevertheless they are making Money Ethically.
Having done a lot of talking… It’s time for action now. We bring you 10 ways to Ethically make Money on the Internet. These ways are proved and tested. As we go on, we’ll also give you some direct links to kick start your Internet into a earning resource.
1. Most Common, Yet hard to ignore: Google Adsense
If you are already searching for some good ways to make money, I bet you’ve heard about it. Almost, every Internet Marketer on Earth feeds on this thing. So, What is Google Adsense?
Google defines this as:
Google AdSense is a free, simple way for website publishers of all sizes to earn money by displaying targeted Google ads on their websites. AdSense also lets you provide Google search to your site users, while earning money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.
Although, the idea seems very simple, the complexity that works behind this program is enormous. Why???
Just because, you do not get paid for putting up Google Ads on your Site. You get paid per click. You need Visitors on your Site for clicking. And further more, you won’t end up with all the visitors clicking on your Ads. So, the ultimate success with Google Adsense comes when a series of phases go on smoothly.
You may start with Blogger or Wordpress for creating a Blog, post a few articles and then apply for Adsense. About a year ago, Adsense approved accounts within a few days. Now, Adsense takes not less than 6 Months to approve a new Adsense Publisher Account. It has grown so common that Bloggers and Webmasters think of having an Adsense approved account before starting their Blog/Site. Furthermore, visitors are facing “Ads by Google” everywhere they go. There are some, who perpetually manage to ignore them.
2. Social Networking: A Leverage
Gosh!!! Yes, it’s the same thing opened in your next tab. Be it Facebook, Orkut, MySpace or any other Social Networking Site, every one of them has the leverage to churn out $$$, if used in the right way. Interestingly though, you never knew that this amusement could be a way to earn cash. So, what in it makes the money?

It’s Networking. You get to know new people who need your services. Not only that, you also come to know about new strategies that have proved themselves. But, How to meet such new people???
An easy way to find them out is by joining groups and communities. Members in such groups and communities are dedicated to some goals. Orkut or Facebook is not a Social Platform but a Business Platform for them. Just remember one thing. There are abundant resources available in these Social Networks. It’s like a mine full of minerals. You just need to what’s hot and what’s not???
3. Forums: When you need a Booster Dose…
Forums bear a similar concept with the communities you find in Social Networks. The only difference is that they are more concentrated with goal oriented members. Social Networks have people who are always chatty without any reason, whatsoever. But, good forums have people who speak only business. There are innumerous forums, concentrated on various topics all over the Internet. Sign up at some good forums, make money from there and learn more than a 1000 other ways to make money from other places.
4. Freelancing Sites: A stable Resource
Although most of you know about many freelancing sites, still I would like to mention something about them. Firstly, your points in a Freelance Site determine your income. Try to avoid a Negative Mark by all means. Because, 1 negative mark over a 100 positive can harm your freelancing career more than expected. Some of the most busy Freelancing sites are: GetAFreelancer.com, EULance.com etc. Craigslist is also one of the best paying resource, only if you can tap it.
5. Affiliate Marketing
There are many concepts in Internet Marketing. And, they vary widely. Affiliate Marketing is also one of the methods that have made many fortunes. So, what is this Affiliate Marketing? Suppose, you own a Product. You sell your products yourself. You also let other people sell your product, thereby giving them a commission. This is called Affiliate Marketing. You are creating affiliates to sell your products. You can be the person selling other peoples products and services and getting a commission in turn. You can also get other people under you, thereby making your Affiliate Marketing Tree stronger.
6. Drop Shipping
It is actually a supply chain management system where products from the manufacturer are directly supplied to the consumer by a middleman (retailer). The goods are never held in stock in this process, thereby minimizing the storage costs and other costs, that the retailer had to bear otherwise. The Internet leaves nothing behind. Now, Drop shipping can also be carried out online and that too in an easy way.
7. Ad Publishing
Why keep Google as the middleman, when you can contact your Advertisers directly? Nonetheless, you can also let your Advertisers contact you directly to put up their ads. Keep the option “Advertise with Us” on your footer. But be sure that you have many visitors flocking on your site. Provide all types of Ad Spaces if possible and choose the rates according to your visitor base. Stronger Analytics will definitely earn you more.
8. Blogging
Millions of Bloggers around the world are earning just by blogging. So, what is the income source of these bloggers? There are innumerous ways for a blogger to earn. If you blog about movies, you can use Graboid or Loudmo. They let your visitors watch movies from their site and pay an incentive to you every time an user signs up from your site or installs their toolbar. Of course, you can earn from Adsense too. You can earn by creating back links for other sites, as well. It’s a whole new 1000 page story that can be written defining how a Blogger can earn. There are Thousands and Thousands of ways by which you can monetize your blog.
9. Something Different: Small ‘n’ Nice
Small and Nice jobs are widely available all over the Internet. So, what type of Jobs are these? You may create polls, answer them and in the meantime earn from them. Eg. Pickjack. You can work for small data entry jobs. And yet again, you can earn from small jobs posted on Craigslist etc.
10. Fiverr: It’s Just for anyone
Well, well… if you are incapable of doing anything, I guess, you are capable of doing some rubbish stuff, at least. Even that pays. Amazing Huh!!!
But, you can even get paid for doing silly stuffs like this.
Check out Fiverr to do anything for 5$. Beware, serious business is also out there.
Truly speaking, 10 Ways to Ethically Make Money on the Internet is too short a story to brief it up. It’s a title that never ends. New strategies get developed everyday. New marketing models come up. In fact, I’m also working these days to create a virtual money minting model for bloggers, that can earn in every move your visitors make.
The Internet is a boon to our generation and we are it’s lucky members. It’s quite hard to imagine the power of the resource. Every Idea and every Satire has the power to flourish here. You ought to tap it at the right moment. The only thing you need to do is learn, learn and learn, until you get the actual fun.
Tags: AdSense, Earn Money, Facebook, Fiverr, Orkut