Artificial eye for the blind invented at John Hopkins University, Baltimore

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Tuesday, April 5, 2005

It comprises a computer chip that sits in the back of the individual’s eye, linked up to a mini video camera built into glasses that they wear.

Professor Dagnelie said: “The retinal implant contains tiny electrodes. If you stimulate a single electrode, the person will see a single dot of light.”

“We are hoping this will be enough for the person to be able to make their way through a building, find a door or window and avoid obstacles for example.

Source: BBC News

Professor Dagnelie, the inventor, hopes that human trials will begin within a year.

The article reports that the images produced will be good enough for face recognition.

April 14, 2005: 9:35 pm

@Nasrollah Rouhollahi
Please refer to the article - Bionic eye will let the blind see for further details.

Quoted from the article given above -

Professor Dagnelie said: “The retinal implant contains tiny electrodes. If you stimulate a single electrode, the person will see a single dot of light.”

They have already tested implants containing a handful of electrodes, but the end device will contain 50-100 to give a better overall picture.

“We are hoping this will be enough for the person to be able to make their way through a building, find a door or window and avoid obstacles for example.

“To us, the images look very basic but for someone who was previously blind they are a massive step forward.”

But he added: “There is still quite a bit of work that will be needed to fine tune it. Being able to see faces will be quite a bit down the line.”

April 14, 2005: 4:16 pm

HI i suffer from rp and i would like to know more about this artificial invention. Please give me anymore info u have on this. thank u

April 14, 2005: 3:57 pm

HI i suffer from rp and i would like to know more about this artificial invention. Please give me anymore info u have on this. thank u

April 13, 2005: 9:32 am

I’ll check it out! Thanks.

April 13, 2005: 2:41 am

Well there are many Bill Gates and Larry Ellison who can lend a helping hand to blind persons if they want to. And not only for blind persons also for people looking for cure with deadly diseases like diabetes, cancer, aids, lupus etc.

At the end of the day we can make this world a better place for everyone. We don’t need to do a revolution just little acts of kindness to everyone around us. Everyone around us is but a part of our self.

BTW: Have you checked my site on eye care by natural methods and Yoga?

It is a book written by a renowned doctor and distributed for free over the internet only by our site. We have benefitted from his book and we also visited him in Himalayas.

Let me know if you find it useful.

April 12, 2005: 6:19 pm


April 12, 2005: 3:58 pm

Wow…wonders never cease. Now if every blind person on Earth were millionaires. :)

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