How to Convert a Site Feed to PDF for Free in Newspaper Style

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The other day while reading different feeds that I am subscribed to by e-mail, I was thinking of downloading some for offline read. Well, from e-mail it would have been very painful so I went for the actual feed of those sources and searched for some RSS to document/ PDF converter. Well, there are a few of them who convert and save directly to my machine but somehow I wasn’t being able to be happy with their final draft and performance. Then I bumped into This is a free software project to let people create printable PDFs from content found on the web.

How To Use

  1. Copy and paste some text or a URL into the box above and click ‘Explore’
  2. Wait for the terms to appear and then the white news nodes
  3. Click on one or more news nodes to select
  4. Click ‘Make PDF’ to generate a printable PDF file with your selected news stories
  5. Read your newspaper! (example)

Or else you can go here and make a direct newspaper alike copy for yourself. I liked it because its so simple and fast. And again, the output file is quiite neat too with distinct pattern of a two column news paper.

Scope for Improvement

I would like to  read an article in full even if there is a Read more option. So ideally, even if you take a feed URL and convert it to PDF through them, it shouldn’t only contain the first paragraph but the full post, somehow exploring the read more option along.

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