How To Exclude Files From Displaying in Subversion Status Command?
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkWednesday, October 25, 2006
Often you have files in your subversion directiory which you do not want to commit / check-in. Such files could be compiled files, intermediate files used for data processing etc. Subversion provides a simple way to exclude such files. The good news is that it allows you to specify them using patterns, so you don’t have to individually specify them.
You can use the following command:
svn propset svn:ignore “translator_*.php” translator
1. Replace translator_*.php with your own pattern of files to exclude / ignore.
2. Replace translator with the directory you want to exclude from. You can also use . to indicate current directory.
svn:ignore property contains list of file patterns which certain Subversion operations will ignore. svn:ignore works in conjunction with the global-ignores run-time configuration option to filter unversioned files and directories out of commands like svn status, svn add, and svn import.
The full syntax is:
The ignored files are still in your working copy. Subversion is simply not reminding you that they are present and unversioned. If you want to see the ignored files, you can pass the –no-ignore option to Subversion:
$ svn status –no-ignore
July 3, 2007: 11:51 pm
[...] How can I exclude some content from being displayed in translated pages? [...] |
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