Oops! We got it all wrong and killed hundred thousand people!

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Thursday, April 7, 2005

Intelligence chiefs have admitted for the first time that claims they made about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction were wrong and have not been substantiated.

The JIC claimed in 2002: “Iraq is pursuing a nuclear weapons programme.” It now admits this “was wrong, in that Iraq was not pursuing a nuclear weapons programme”. It says the claim was “correct on Iraq’s nuclear ambitions”.

Source: Guardian

Such mistakes, as we all know can happen - to err is human etc.
We all make silly mistakes everyday. And saying that you are sorry is what ends the story and nobody is unhappy anymore. Right?

So what if 100, 000 people were killed in search of weapons which never existed, so what if people were tortured and humiliated in jails managed by rookies with a penchant for photographing their glorious deeds.

And it is very comfortable for the rest of the world to know that such “intelligent” chiefs are responsible for guarding (and deploying) the largest nuclear arsenal which can destroy the world many times and still have some to spare.

Now I can sleep safely at night with the knowldge that they will do the right thing for me, for the world in general and “protect truth, justice and the American way”.

Filed under: Humor, Politics, USA

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