Summary Box: One Laptop Per Child’s next move is a $100 tablet
By APThursday, May 27, 2010
Summary Box: The next ‘$100 laptop’ is a tablet
NEW SHAPE: One Laptop Per Child says the next version of its computer for kids in developing countries will be a tablet, not a laptop. The tablets are being designed by chipmaker Marvell. They’ll have large multi-touch screens, a video camera, Wi-Fi Internet connections and enough power to play high-def video.
NEW PRICE: OLPC’s XO laptop was dreamed up as the “$100 laptop,” but it sells for twice as much. The tablet gives the organization a chance to finally sell a device for less than $100.
NEW PLAN: Marvell will market the tablet widely, starting with schools and healthcare institutions, pushing up the number produced to drive costs down.
Tags: Computer Hardware, Computing And Information Technology, Consumer Electronics
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