Understanding Linkie Winkie
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkSunday, August 13, 2006
Update: LinkieWinkie merely leveraged the links to create yet another blog site. Nice bait and switch, but I expected better. No more LinkLove for LinkieWinkie from me
LinkieWinkie is a nifty little site which throws back at you reciprocal link love.
So when I link to Linkie Winkie, I can expect it to link back to me. Interesting social experiment. I expect it to be soon flooded by spammers.
August 15, 2006: 11:58 pm
I haven’t checked. It appears today I got linkback from LinkieWinkie. Last two days I have been away from the internet. |
August 15, 2006: 2:17 pm
Oddly enough - it seems spammers never got the hang of or understood how to invoke LW. In fact, it seems the powers of the LW linkback have degraded since July. How much traffic did you get? |
August 15, 2006: 6:45 am
A Look Into the Linkie Winkie Project Part I A couple of days ago I posted an article entitled What is Linkie Winkie? The article has generated much more attention then I thought it would in the past three days. Apparently many people out there, including my self, are interested in the Linkie Win… |
August 15, 2006: 1:18 am
I have seen a couple of posts by Gurtie who said that although many people had linked to Linkie Winkie, it wasn’t a prerequisite for being selected by the crawler for a link from the site. I know that’s true because I have never made a link but several of my posts have been linked. |
Angsuman Chakraborty