5 Things I Don’t Like About Google Calendar

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Monday, January 22, 2007

I am using Google Calendar, as an experiment, for my projects. I noticed 5 things, between unprintable curses, which make it seriously dysfunctional as an usable product.

  • Inability to show details in longer than month view, a handy features in Microsoft Outlook.
  • Fails to bring up event details in many occassions.The only thing you can do is repeatedly try and wait and then try again. You just have to be very patient.
  • The list of guests are supposed to be comma separated but the display doesn’t scroll! You cannot use the End key or even Up or Down arrow keys! I think the guest list should be one per line in an auto-scrollable div.
  • Multi-day spanning events are shown separately in Agenda view which is pretty irritating. When I have marked a multi-day event, I want it to be shown as such. Google Calendar totally botches up on this. Google display is terribly inconvenient.
  • No scrolling in Agenda view, making the display useless when you have more than just 4 events in your Agenda.

In my humble opinion products like Google Calendar and Google Checkout dilutes the Google brand, which we have come to associate with high quality due to products like Google Search and Google Adwords/AdSense.

What is your experience with Google Calendar?


August 10, 2009: 5:18 am

If you really want something that fits 100% to you, API is open for you. Just bulit custom program that fits to you. Otherwise, better wait until they change better HCI UI.

May 1, 2009: 3:41 am

I still LOVE Google Calendar but yes printing needs much improvement!

Until then i use WinCalendar to render my Google Calendar as a fully editable calendar in Microsoft Word & Excel format. From there i add pictures, tweak the format & perfectly print it to my needs.

for info see:

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