‘Best Job in the World’ winner misspells island’s name in Twitter post
By ANIFriday, July 3, 2009
MELBOURNE - Ben Southhall had a rather wayward first day of his ‘Best job in the World’, when he misspelt the name of the island he was on while writing on his blog.
The 34-year-old Briton renamed the tropical island Hayman as ‘Hayward’ in his Twitter post.
In the message, he referred to “leaving the chefs table and chocolate room on Hayward Island after a stunning gastronomic presentation,” reports the Courier Mail.
However, the mistake was later corrected.
“Looks like it was a wayward first day at the office for Best Job in the World winner Ben Southall,” Anthony Dever, on social networking site twocents, posted.
“In his first Twitter message from the Whitsundays, Ben got the name of the island he was on incorrect…
“Luckily for Ben and Tourism Queensland, an hour and a half later Hayman Island staff or maybe the advertising agency involved with the ‘Best Job’ campaign alerted him to his mistake and the original Hayward Island reference was replaced with Hayman Island…
“After an exhaustive search that involved 36,648 applicants wanting to report their adventures on the Great Barrier Reef to a global audience, you’d hope the key selection criteria included knowing the names of where he is enjoying our state’s hospitality.
“We can’t be too tough on Ben, the first day in a new job can be tough. We wish him well during his six month stay in Queensland and look forward to reading his accounts of snorkelling on Dazedream Island and sipping pina coladas from Shamilton Island,” he added. (ANI)