Free Broadband in India by 2009

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Indian government proposes to offer all citizens of India free, high-speed broadband connectivity by 2009, through the state-owned telecom service providers BSNL and MTNL. This has the potential to kill current telecom business model in India. As a consumer and internet based service provider, I whole-heartedly support this proposal.

Many cities in the US already have free wireless broadband connectivity for residents. The idea is to boost economic activity in general. The government of India plans to achieve free broadband connectivity at a speed of 2 MB per second across the country, with a similar goal. Senior government officials expect to be able to achieve this goal spending only a portion of the corpus of the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF).
Source: ET

I think this will tremendously boost eCommerce and eBusiness in India and truly make India Inc. global.


Mr Marcelino
July 3, 2010: 1:26 am

When will the broadband will be free in INDIA, for its residents as it is in the US, it is been a reality if our country has been a developed what it means just by giving empty promises the promised year by our Govt is by 2009, now you see many players had come up to give good services than BSNL in INDIA.But where is free broadband.In INDIA it’s a big shame.

November 5, 2009: 9:16 am

what impossible…

October 20, 2009: 6:23 am

What??? When are the elections coming…

July 31, 2009: 4:59 pm


May 6, 2009: 2:06 pm


April 3, 2009: 7:13 pm

What? free broadband across India?..India? hahaha that’s a joke right? I mean just look at it this way- Many of us can barely afford food and clothing with shelter, beggars everywhere, One of the worst road conditions, one of the costliest countries in case of internet services, us 1$ = nearly 50rs!, can’t get any top notch products, nearly 70% of the population depending on agriculture and agriculture being able to get barely only 30% on the national income! and I can keep on writing these things!!

I would really love to see this happen someday, with free broadband everywhere but I don’t think it’s anywhere near possibility in the near future. If the GOV really wants to develop this country I bet they should stop filling their own pockets and do something that really develops this country, like making sure almost everyone is properly employed or uncorrupted police service or maybe at lest stop luring people foe votes!!

January 28, 2009: 1:40 pm

Its nice to hear that GOVT has proposed!! But i don’t think so it will get implemented over year 2009 in spite to kill telecom competition with PVT sectors. Because GOVT itself has their own motivation plan for remote and rural region for attractingh PVT sectors and get addition in NATIONAL GDP with keeping intention to grow globalization idea.
So forget about this.
Well but i can say that i am ready in favor to cut PVT connections of mine to support GOVT for this revolution.


January 7, 2009: 5:05 am

err…. its 2009 already and i dont see any changes!
It is not possible for our govt. to introduce this plan as there is a large chance of people misusing it.If it is a common network, people can just hack into it and misuse it.
Telecom companies wont allow that as it creates competition for them and they will have to increase their offers..

January 2, 2009: 2:31 pm

It is a kind of statement which should be heard from one ear and leave it from other…

December 2, 2008: 12:33 am

[...] broadband is the way to future and I hope India will introduce it at some point of time, if not the next year, [...]

October 30, 2007: 7:28 am

It sounds like a dream come true for INDIANS. But will it be available in towns and small cities all over India or in the Metro Cities only? what will be the coverage area? and will it be truely unlimited or there will any data exchange limit?

October 16, 2007: 11:49 am

Broadband is a high-speed way of connecting to the internet.
Broadband can be accessed by cable, wireless or satellite.

it will be in 2008 not in 2009

September 17, 2007: 7:08 am

It will be the eigth wonder

August 31, 2007: 12:01 pm

definetly its a great step towards progress

August 3, 2007: 6:52 am

Broadband is a high-speed way of connecting to the internet.
It is at least 10 times faster than so-called dial-up net services that use a modem and standard telephone line.
Broadband can be accessed via the phone line (known as Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line or ADSL) or by cable, wireless or satellite.
The two big advantages of broadband over dial-up are that it frees up the telephone line for voice calls and can be left on permanently.
It still requires a modem, which is paid for when you sign up.

May 12, 2007: 2:21 am

is it possible?

April 30, 2007: 12:15 pm

I would personally provide a backup server with that kind of free bandwidth pooled together :)

April 29, 2007: 5:43 pm

How the hell does it expect to be able to afford this? It will probably lead to a massive increase in bandwidth import costs. And what will this mean for businesses? Somebody will surely figure out a way to pool this free bandwidth and start selling web hosting off it. The Indian govt. will end up subsidising rich countries web hosting bills.

April 29, 2007: 9:34 am

It’s great!

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