Testing for Recruitment Software Update
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkSunday, November 19, 2006
In the previous post I mentioned about developing a recruitment testing software. We decided to develop the software to help with our ongoing testing needs for hiring new developers. The key features are:
- Ability to conduct timed online tests. The remaining time in minutes is displayed to the candidate. We have done extensive work to ensure that each candidate gets equal time irrespective of connection speed or sudden network delays.
Note: Initially we used mm:ss format but that proved to be too distracting. We have now chosen to display the time in minutes and on the bottom right of the page so as not to distract the candidate but also to be available when required. - Ability to automatically evaluate answers and calculate scores.
- Ability to email total score, errors etc. to recruiting company.
- Ability to randomize questions and also answers.
- Ability to conduct profile information validation.
- Ability to prevent users from taking the test repeatedly.
- Ability to compensate for browser-server round-trip time. We don’t want to penalize the test taker for slowness of browser or machine or internet connectivity.
- Ability to revise previous answers.
- Ability to score textual answers. Yes, we can meaningfully score textual answers too. While the method isn’t fool-proof, we have found it to yield quite meaningful results.
- Ability to support penalty scoring. Penalty scoring can be used to ensure random marking of answers doesn’t get the candidate ahead.
- Ability to automatically send different emails based upon score.
- Tamper proof. You shouldn’t be able to manipulate the time or questions in any way.
We are in the final phases of testing version 1 of this software. Currently it can be used as software product which should be installed on site. In version 2, due later this year, we will provide it as hosted solution.
Are there any features that you would like to add?
April 10, 2009: 4:53 pm
I saw your website. If Your software is ready now. I am ready to purchase your software. Send me the details about your software. |