Which Web Celebrity Are You?
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkWednesday, September 19, 2007
TechnoSailor has created a funny test to determine which web celebrity you resemble most. It determined that I am mostly like Matt Mullenweg:
You are most like Matt Mullenweg. Though you recognize your authority, you do not relish the idea of using your power too aggressively. Instead, you rely on peers a lot. You do participate in the social media world, but it is not something that occupies a lot of time. You most likley(sic) devote yourself to projects that you feel passionate about and tend to evangelize those things quite a bit.
So far so good. But then TechnoSailor determined that Matt is mostly like Jason Calacanis! That doesn’t really compute. Either Matt is like Matt or his internal perceptions are way different from how others perceive him. Maybe he sees himself like Jason or maybe the test is just nuts. I would subscribe to the later.
What do you think?
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