Bug in Blogads Affecting Publishers?

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Friday, November 17, 2006

I have two expired blogads ads still displaying on my site. They have expired quite sometime back. As per Blogads terms and conditions they shouldn’t be displayed when their duration expires. This affects us as publishers.

I had reported a similar incident in the past and it had been properly addressed. This time too I have sent a note to blogads.

Last time they explained it as some mistake on their part. However as it is recurrently happening, I think it is a genuine bug. Unfortunately it affects us, the publishers using Blogads.

Have you experienced this problem?

I have displayed the ads in question below:
blogads 1Blogads 2

Katie from Blogads removed the ads for me and informed how we can remove them in future:

It appears that the adstrips cache for your blog did not get refreshed. I’ve now manually removed the ad.

Should this happen again, you can also manually refresh the blogads cache by making any change to your adstrip: changing the status/position of a running ad, accepting a new ad or pressing the “proceed” button on both pages of the relevant “customize adstrip” sequence will do the trick.

Thanks Katie.

Filed under: Headline News, Web, Web Services
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