How To Remove Windows Media DRM 10 and 11
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkSaturday, August 26, 2006
FairUse4WM can be used to strip Windows Media DRM 10 and 11 (i.e. PlaysForSure, but not WM DRM 9). Music providers like Napster and Yahoo Music Unlimited provide subscription service for unlimited access to Windows Media DRMed files. However if you stop paying the fee you stop getting access to the files. This software allows you to strip DRM from such files.
Endgadget tried FairUse4WM and verified that it quickly and easily stripped the DRM from their Napster To Go tracks, and made them freely available to play on Mac (which had Flip4Mac installed). In other words, it’s a simple, apparently lossless, one-step method for making your files playable after you’re no longer paying fees on your subscription service.
Basic requirements
1. Only works on individualized DRM file
2. Requires WM10 or WM11. Won’t work on WM9.
You can view the forum announcement of the software here with download, links.
Note: Personally I haven’t downloaded it as I only use non DRM’ed music.
P.S. It goes without saying we take absolutely zero accountability for what you may do with FairUse4WM.
September 12, 2008: 2:57 pm
hola que tal tengo un video de como una hora qbaje por un gestor p2p, esta en *.wmv, lo abri y me pidio actualizar un codec, lo hiso y lo pude ver sin problemas, el problema es qsolo puedo verlo con el reproductor de windows q0, no me deja con el mplayer clasic ni ningun otro, y qiero pasarlo a otro formatoy cuando lo hago me da error o se cierra el programa, qpuede ser s el drm10? grasias |
June 26, 2007: 1:13 am
Sometimes it’s generate an errors. TH reason is older audiocodec with new video codec. |