IPMSG For Linux

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Friday, April 13, 2007

I talked about xmemo as possible ipmsg alternative for Linux. Unfortunately I found it very much inferior to ipmsg. IPMSG is a messaging client for Windows which also is able to do super-fast file and directory transfer. Once you have got used to ipmsg, it is hard to live without. Fortunately I found a good alternative to ipmsg for Linux.

The answer is ipmsg itself, run using wine! You get identical look-and-feel as windows, with the same capability. You do need to refresh after launching the window but that’s about it. I am very happy about getting ipmsg back.

Do you know any better alternatives?

BTW: Did I mention that I am using tomboy, a mono application, for note taking and I think it is a much better alternative than Microsoft Outlook’s Notes.


May 20, 2010: 9:04 am

ubuntu default ip msg is not recieveing message from that

February 11, 2009: 6:39 am

i want to downloade “ipmsg” software for linux os..
can any body send me the link to my email id….

email # amiyaranjan.behera@gmail.com

March 1, 2008: 4:44 pm

rename the folder u want to receive with a *.zad
extension it wud work fine …

February 5, 2008: 7:35 am

i tried both xipmsg as well as xmemo..
using ipmsg on wine is way better but it doesnt allow me to transfer folders (file transfer works fine.. any help would be appreciated

July 30, 2007: 4:21 pm

Much better solution: install the OpenFire Jabber server in your LAN and use Jabber clients.
Openfire is opensource and free of charge but fully featured. All you need is Java.

June 2, 2007: 6:24 am

Well i tried ipmsg on wine but i face a problem that ipmsg shows me my ip as instead of my original LAN ip any suggestions?

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