Killer Features for Context Sensitive Advertising Systems like Google AdSense, Yahoo Publisher, Chitika etc.
By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News NetworkThursday, November 17, 2005
Let us talk about the killer features which will make such networks stand out from the rest of the pack.
For Ad Publishers
Note: More important features are towards the top.
1. Publisher should be able to set minimum price per click for a space. If the Ad system (like AdSense) cannot provide such advertisement then it should invoke the alternative Ads. In other words pass the baton if you are not capable of serving the ad location. Let others do it.
Note: It goes without saying all Ad systems must provide a way to specify alternative ads like AdSense
2. Publisher should be able to specify relative importance of Ad locations within a page. In other words I decide what is more important location, rather then Ad network serving them on first-requested-best-served basis.
Note: Currently we are forced to play with HTML / CSS to ensure the first Ad is in the best location.
3. Publishers should be able to find out which ads were clicked from which page and how many times.
4. Prevent bidding for generic keywords like “blog”. Such Ad shows up everywhere without serving any purpose. Again being able to set a minimum limit to a space will help eliminate such problems.
5. Unlimited site blocking capability.
6. Ability to block targeting for specific keywords. For example I don’t want “get hit counter” ads showing up on the Stem Cell blog just because it has the word “Blog” in it.
For Advertisers
1. Advertisers must be able to exclude certain category of sites. For example I would like to exclude all Blogspot sites.
2. Advertisers should be able to choose locations within site. Not all ads are for clicks.
3. The publishers site should be regularly scanned for evidence of bait-and-switch.
That’s all for now.
Tags: Stem Cell Research
November 22, 2005: 8:40 am
[...] Reports Sony DRM Rootkit violating several open source licenses, lists Christmas wish from Google AdSense, provides tips on Google Analytics and simplifies SimpleXML for PHP developers. [...] |
November 22, 2005: 8:35 am
[...] Reports Sony DRM Rootkit violating several open source licenses, lists Christmas wish from Google AdSense, provides tips on Google Analytics and simplifies SimpleXML for PHP developers. [...] |
November 22, 2005: 8:03 am
[...] Reports Sony DRM Rootkit violating several open source licenses, lists Christmas wish from Google AdSense, provides tips on Google Analytics and simplifies SimpleXML for PHP developers. [...] |
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