Quoted in ComputerWeekly - A clarification

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Thursday, December 2, 2004

I was quoted in ComputerWeekly article titled “C# goes head to head with Java” from my article on our .Net experience.

A Java user’s view of C#

Angsuman Chakraborty is chief software architect at California-based software development firm Taragana, which specialises in IT outsourcing and consulting services.

Taragana has worked with Java since 1995, but Chakraborty was challenged by a former colleague to consider some application development using C#.

“I was sceptical because I have not taken to Microsoft products in the past. In my experience they look easy, but can be awkward when used for large-scale enterprise applications,” he says.

Nevertheless, Taragana tried a project in C#. “Overall, the languages are very similar. I felt the set-up was more complex with C# and overall the development and debugging were more cumbersome than Java,” he says.

“Performance-wise, it looked to be slower with real-world applications. And there is always the fear of getting stuck with a single supplier. For a simple project I felt both were equivalent, but generally I would still choose Java.”

I want to clarify however that C# did not prove equivalent to Java for more complex projects. Your mileage may vary.

Subsequently we tried a more complex web project and the experience was significantly worse with C#.
To quote from my article on - .NET versus Java - A Philosophical interlude -

I decided to try to .NET project. Trust me, that was the worst mistake I have made in probably 10 years! It was a disaster from start. Installation was a pain, followed closely by testing pains, weird behaviors based on requesting machines….

I don’t like quoting myself but in this case I felt a clarification is in order.

Filed under: .NET, Java Software, Microsoft
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