Taptivate Develops Friends for iPhone

By Chandrajit, Gaea News Network
Thursday, November 11, 2010

NEW YORK (GaeaTimes.com) — Taptivate is developing their latest iPhone or iPad application named “Friends”. As the name suggests, it is another app that enters into the social network controlled domain. People have been trying to keep up with friends, family and colleagues through various social networks and so Taptivate comes to captivate a portion of this market.

Taptivate has already created apps that plug into social networks with some of its other apps like Formspring client and Official Digg for iPhone app. Friends is unique as it takes in data from various social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and LinkedIN and punches them into a single stream.

With some cool new features, Friends seems that it will be liked by many. It organizes iPhone contacts with Facebook. It merges Facebook Data with your existing FB Contacts. They do not provide similar support for Twitter and LinkedIn but its expected that such a support might be added in the next version. Although the app is still in development phase it promises a lot of new features which are unique to Friends. So, lets wait and check out whether Friends is upto the challenge?

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