Time Warner Cable Blocking Simple Thoughts Blog?

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Some of my customers have complained that they were unable to access my site. They complained that the site was accessible by IP address ( but not by domain name - https://blog.taragana.com/. I couldn’t put a finger to it as my DNS servers as well as the site is running perfectly. I verified that both of them are accessible across the globe. Scott Goldblatt kindly explored the issue for me and found out that Time Warner Cable DNS servers are blocking my site! He also found that other users of Times Warner Cable in USA are facing the same problem in accessing my site.

I am totally at a loss as to why Times Warner Cable would do it. My blog is very technical and very safe even for kids and without any trace of any illegal elements. I would be grateful to my readers if you could kindly explore the issue and shed some light on it.

Secondly I would want to request Time Warner Cable users to consider using OpenDNS to access the internet. It is safe, fast and free DNS service and doesn’t discriminate like Times Warner Cable did with my site. You can start using OpenDNS by setting your DNS server addresses to and Here is a simple guide to using OpenDNS and here is their FAQ.
May I also request you to consider lodging a complaint to Times Warner Cable. They are more likely to listen to you as (you are) their customer.

I am currently exploring, without any success whatsoever, the Times Warner Cable site looking for avenues for complaining.

This brings to mind a bigger issue of restriction of freedom (think China) and content by (ab)using the DNS servers. While this won’t deter the dedicated and tech-savvy users, it will prevent 99% of users from accessing the target site. Most users will give up as they will deem that the server is down. Few understand the differences of the message that is the server is unreachable versus the server is down.

January 20, 2010: 11:54 pm

Thank you for posing this.

I am having the same problem accessing my own website through Time Warner. My domain name is resolving to the correct IP so I don’t think DNS is the issue. I am also unable to access the server administration panel which is a completely different domain name. It looks like Time Warner is blocking the IP address of the server my site is on. So, not only is my site blocked, but every site on the server. To make things worse I am not able to pay the bill for my host.

Time Warner really needs to stop blocking sites. Since, I am a customer of Time Warner I have sent them an email demanding service. I will call them tomorrow to see if this can be fixed soon. If not, I will have to look into another ISP.

September 22, 2009: 2:54 am

Thanks, I just read this. Really Helped… I use bright house, which is owned by time warner. recently i noticed that the apple store was not available ever.. But when I used out side connections I noticed it worked. So started thinking it was my Wireless network settings. But No it was Road Runner blocking the site. I’m not sure if this is a fluke or on purpose
If its nation wide or just my area but its really got me thinking what else are they blocking.
Thanks for the help.

Yolanda Guillen
March 26, 2008: 8:33 am

I would like everyone to know about Time Warner’s bad customer service. I came across you website however, it is blocked. I need HELP!
The following complaint was sent to Time Warner:
Your El Paso, Texas Time Warner Cable customer service and technician service is unacceptable. As per your customer service call center advice, I replaced my cable box 3 times within a month! I have made several “technical appointments” (3 within a week) and your technicians did not bother contacting me to inform me that they were running late or would not be able to show up. They were a no show three different times! Even though these technicians stated that they were present at my home. I have given you more opportunities than I would ever give any other respected company. I regret to say that you have lost a long time cable and wireless customer. I have shared my story with the El Paso, Texas Better Business Bureau and will share my story with anyone that will listen. I have shared my complaint with KFox News in El Paso, Texas, and I am sure, I am not the first person with these issues. I will become an advocate within my community and make everyone aware of your “bad services”.
Thank you for nothing! Yolanda Guillen

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