Translator Plugin 4.0/4.1 Shipping Update

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Monday, January 22, 2007

We planned to ship most of the updates for existing customers on Sunday, yes we did work on Sunday too too get your updates in time.
However while trying to ship Translator 4.0 update we faced a small problem with the batch file. We stopped shipping the updates and focussed on fixing the problem. It was a minor problem and we fixed it in no time. However it was getting late and I decided to ship on Monday.
And then we noticed something big. One of the major translation engine we have started using in 4.0 decided to limit the number of words it will translate. This was unexpected. So we tried to find alternatives. We found few good alternatives and were back on track. After some quick development and day long testing I am happy to say that the crisis is under control. We will start shipping updates to existing clients from Wednesday, when testing is expected to complete. I also need the time to update the documentation etc for the new changes. The major thanks for this solution goes to the new architecture we have put in place in Translator 4.0 which allows us to quickly swap and reconfigure translation engines and of course to our development and QA team.

In this release you will also get beautiful flags from famfamfam as default. I will also post three other alternative flag-set you can use for Translator Pro.

January 26, 2010: 10:51 pm

Great information, Thank you so much… keep up the great work.

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