Using Evite For Spamming

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Friday, July 21, 2006

Normally we don’t associate Evite requests with spamming. That trust has been broken.

Today I received a spam from Arnnei Speiser, Managing Director of Mega AS Consulting Ltd. disguised as Evite eCard.

Hi angsuman,

What a wonderful opportunity for networking.

Unfortunately I may not be able to attend this time.

Still, if you’d like to learn more about the CAT (Cellular Authentication Token), the best solution today to Identity Management and phishing, I’d be happy to meet you and/or forward to you further information.

Arnnei Speiser
Managing Director
Mega AS Consulting Ltd.

Phone: 09 4481244
Cell: 021 782223

Would you trust a company which spams its potential customers with your identity management and phishing needs? I know I wouldn’t.

Unfortunately Evite doesn’t provide an easy way to report spams. Their well hidden (small light grey text at the bottom of the page; requires addl. navigation) contact form requires Evite login email address to register a complaint.

July 23, 2006: 10:35 pm

You are right. Arnie Speiser is a Sun alumni and is connected to me on LinkedIn via John McLaughlin from Sun.

I am surprised to get spammed from a Sun alumni. I never knew him, nor was introduced. His email is a classical spam sent using a auto-mailer type program.

I wonder if we should bring it up on Sun alumni mailing list.

July 23, 2006: 1:17 pm

I got it too. I wonder if everyone on the Sun Alumni evite mailing list got it, since that’s our main connection that I can recall.

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