Google App Engine Support Java And How To Get An Early Invite Free

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Google app engine javaThe breaking news today is Google App Engine has finally announced support for Java. The Java environment provides a Java 6 JVM, a Java Servlets interface, and support for standard interfaces to the App Engine scalable datastore and services, such as JDO, JPA, JavaMail, and JCache. Standards support makes developing your application easy and familiar, and also makes porting your application to and from your own servlet environment straightforward.

The Google Plugin for Eclipse adds new project wizards and debug configurations to your Eclipse IDE for App Engine projects. App Engine for Java allows you to develop and deploy web applications using Google Web Toolkit (GWT). The Eclipse plugin comes bundled with the App Engine and GWT SDKs.

Today they announced new features which will get support Java runtime, integration with Google Web Toolkit, and a Google Plugin for Eclipse, giving you an end-to-end Java solution for AJAX web applications. They are building up a plugin which will present to you feature-rich Java environment with the simplicity of Google’s interface. It provides the current App Engine API’s and wraps them with standards where relevant, like the Java Servlet API, JDO and JPA, javax.cache, and javax.mail. It also provides a secure sandbox that’s powerful enough to run your code safely on Google’s servers, while being flexible enough for you to break abstractions at will.

According to Google, they are also working on

  • Access to firewalled data: grant policy-controlled access to your data behind the firewall.
  • Cron support: schedule tasks like report generation or DB clean-up at an interval of your choosing.
  • Database import: move GBs of data easily into your App Engine app. Matching export capabilities are coming soon, hopefully within a month.

The first 10,000 interested bloggers will be given free access to use their knowledge and work with the Google developers to make this app more compatible and useful. If you are interested, you can join too.

In addition Google App Engine made the following enhancements:

  1. Cron support to allow execution of tasks on schedule
  2. Bulk data import tool
  3. JDK 1.6 support


Google has placed an extensive tutorial for you. Lemme give you the gist of it.

1. Build an App Engine application using standard Java web technologies, such as servlets and JSPs

To get started developing Google App Engine Java applications, you download and set up the App Engine Java software development kit and related components.

Installing the Java SDK.

2. Create an App Engine Java project with Eclipse, and without

The development environment lets you develop and test complete App Engine applications on your computer. See this demo project at the following link

Creating a Project.

3. Use the Google Plugin for Eclipse for App Engine development

4. Use the App Engine datastore with the Java Data Objects (JDO) standard interface

5. Integrate an App Engine application with Google Accounts for user authentication

6.upload your app to App Engine

So this is a big big news for developers around the world. Java is still rendered as the most powerful and useful language throughout the globe and Google is a phenomenon already. With both of them together, we can expect the best brains of the world will get into coding.

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