Interesting Links - Technology & Law, Micropayment Solution, Biotechnology Blog, GMail Tools, 12 Types of Medical Students

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Wednesday, September 7, 2005

With technology, it’s easy to break the law
“As technology marches on, our laws don’t always march with it. They’re written by men with agendas that are different than ours — men who don’t understand (or have the incentive to understand) what they’re trying to legislate.

So chances are there will come a day when there won’t be room for men to meddle with technology. The sad thing is that we’ll think what they do is against the law in the first place.”

Micropayment Solution - Bitpass
“BitPass is a service that enables merchants of any size to profitably charge for access to their online content and services. You can sell at any price — starting from $0.01 — and remove the hassles of merchant accounts, SSL certificate management, shopping cart software, and development of authentication and access control software.”

A Biotechnology Blog
“my name is Shannon Brightman, and I’ve created this biotechnology blog as a way to keep track of things going on in science and biobusiness. Hopefully, readers will also be interested in contributing to discussion about the topics that are posted here. At the very least, I hope you will let me know when my facts are in error.”

12 Types of Med Students
Sane Medical Student

GMail Tools
“Plugins and tools to make Gmail easier to use are starting to pop up on the web, here are the ones I’ve found so far:

  • Official Gmail Notifier from Google (beta) - Downloadable Windows/Mac application that alerts you when you have new Gmail messages.
  • GMNotifier - More configurable notifier based on .NET (Via here)
  • GTray - Another configurable Windows notifier includes XP welcome screen integration


Riccardo Tartaro
April 19, 2008: 7:51 am

Arturuccio, devi trovare come accedere alla casella di posta e definire l’utente Arturo Tartaro con il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica in gmail. poi devi inserire l’indirizzo del server di posta in arrivo POP3 e successivamente l’SMTP di posta in uscita. ricordati di verificare se il server di posta in uscita richiede l’autenticazione.

Ovviamente queste regole sono valide per tutti gli agent di posta elettronica tuttavia non conosco i dettagli di MAC OS. Un abbraccio. Riccardo

Arturo Tartaro
February 5, 2007: 11:09 am

Desidererei sapere cosa bisogna fare per collegare il mio computer Mac OSX, via modem interno, alla casella postale che ho in Gmail.
Credo che sia semplice, ma io non so come procedere sul Mac.
Grazie anticipate se avrete la pazienza per rispondermi.
Arturo Tartaro

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