Switching Mailing List For Blogs

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Thursday, July 13, 2006

We are working to provide a better mailing list for our blog readers who prefer to subscribe by email. The current provider bloglet.com is unreliable at times. Also it doesn’t allow us to customize the list. There are other options like Zakoda or Feedblitz, but I prefer hosting it. Also now mailing list subscriptions will be available on all of our blogs. It will be released just after the translator plugin pro (overdue).

All of our current subscribers will be imported to this new list. Also the registered users of our blogs will be requested to subscribe. This will be a one time mail only as I think almost all of them subscribed, erroneously thinking they would get daily email and/or additional information by subscribing.

The new list will allow you to subscribe daily / weekly / monthly (big fat email). You can subscribe to one or more of our blogs simply by checking the corresponding checkbox.

Filed under: Pro Blogging, Web, Web Services
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