Top 5 Java Portal Software

By Partho, Gaea News Network
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

java-portal softwareThe Portals are designed to offer your employees, partners and customers a single point of access to your organization’s data, knowledge and services using a simple and self-explanatory interface. The open source standard compliant portal servers offers Content Management capabilities integrated with groupware that enable the users to create site for Internet, Extranet and Intranet that can be directly accessed through their browser.  The open source portal project require relatively lesser expenses and offers wider ambit of development. There are a number of Java portal software, but not all are efficient enough to meet the growing needs. To overcome this we researched extensively to line up top 5 Java portal software.


It is an open source implementation of an Enterprise Information Portal developed in Java and XML and based on open standards. Jetspeed allows aggregation of individual pages within the portal to create page. The data incorporated via Jetspeed is independent of content type. That implies the content from XML,RSS or SMTP can be integrated with Jetspeed. Access to the portal is managed by the portal security policy.


iPoint Portal

This is an Open Edition complete open source web portal. It features a set of portlets that will allow you to create fully featured portals, Internet sites and collaborative workspace. Some of its key features include

  • Web 2.0 collaboration that includes Blogs, Forums,  Wikis, Calendars and Document Sharing
  • Complete content manaement capabilities for static Content on any page
  • Full content management capabilites for static content on any page.
  • Full text search for all content
  • Rich Media support for embedded images, audio and video.
  • Blue Dot Bullet RSS support for publishing and consuming RSS feeds
  • Standard complaint supporting JSR 168 portlets on any page
  • Strong security permission on individual pages and portlets
  • Extensive support for notification and messaging including eMail, SMS and portal


JBoss Portal

This is an open source platform designed for hosting and serving Web interface, publishing and managing its content, and customizing its experience.   It uses enterprise standards to support a wide range of development approaches that optimizes the flexibility and choice for enterprise web user interfaces. The greatest asset of JBoss portal software is it’s portal strategy that allows seamless weaving of old and new IT tools into composite application.



It’s an enterprise-class open source project derived from Sun Java System Portal Server 7.1.  The project establishes the proven  capabilities of Portal Server. The portal is evolving through active participation of community of developers, partners, users and like-minded individuals. It features enterprise-class standard Java Portlet Container (Portlet 1.0/2.0). OpenPortal offers a simple API and sample portlets for integrating workflow into a portal and integration with JCAPS.



The Pluto project provides a Java specification complaint Portlet Container. To support the container Pluto project offers a simple portal.

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