What Is The Optimum Number Of Posts In Blog Home Page?

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I have been thinking about the optimum number of posts / articles (summary) on the front page. I have it currently set at 10. I am not sure if it is the right number. What do you think would be the optimum number and why? Another option is to set by the number of days. I am listening…

February 16, 2010: 11:56 pm

mine had 10 and got recently de-ranked. now testing 12 it seems better both for visitors and search engines

November 5, 2006: 5:20 am

Well I do, as long as its stored in a cookie. Same goes with font size.

September 26, 2006: 7:38 am

I’d think about 8 but I have a question. Should one use a summary with more… or the whole enchilada? I’ve battled with that over and over.


July 21, 2006: 8:18 am

Thanks James & Matt .

That’s an interesting idea. Do you think reader’s would really care to choose page size?

July 20, 2006: 12:22 pm

Why not allow the user to choose. ;)

July 19, 2006: 7:00 am

I agree, 10 looks fine with the sidebar on my end too (using FF on a 19″ LCD).

July 19, 2006: 2:35 am

Ten is a fine number, and your content column is perfectly inline with the bottom of your sidebar column! (At least it is in my browser’s view.)

July 19, 2006: 12:54 am

James & Matt,

Do you think 10 is too high for this blog?

July 19, 2006: 12:29 am

I prefer to keep the end of my content column closely inline with the end of my sidebar column. I started with 8 posts on the front page, but since I removed the category listing from my sidebar, I reduced the count to 7 posts.

July 18, 2006: 12:08 pm

It depends on the length of your article IMO. I’ve set it to 5 posts and it kind of suits everyone :)

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