Will HD (TV/Video) Outflank Web2.0 Media (Podcast)?

By Angsuman Chakraborty, Gaea News Network
Friday, June 23, 2006

Today telcos and cable TV companies want to pump torrents of bits through their pipes using their own web services, but more importantly, in the form of high definition (HD) TV/video. Will it kill Web 2.0 Media services?

Podcast, a Web 2.0 phenomenon, media is observing tremendous growth thanks to widespread availability of broadband. Consumers are flocking to web audio & audio-visual presentation services like RocketBoom.

There is an ongoing debate on net-neutrality - should a pipe-owner be forced to carry all packets, including its own, on an equal basis?

With increased adoption of HD (High Definition) TV/video format by consumers, telcos will inevitably try to prioritize their data and web services over general internet data and services. Lack of competition in communications network providers is compunding the issue. Unfortunately government is part of the barrier to the competition, other being huge upfront investment requirement.

I agree with Tom Foremski of ZDNet that HD TV (coupled with lack of net-neutrality) can deal a killing blow to the new wave of Web 2.0 audio-visual services. However I do not agree with him that net-neutrality is a lost cause.

I think we as bloggers and Web 2.0 entrepreneurs should make our voices heard and ensure net-neutrality, legislation or otherwise (technological or competition), not only for our sake but for future generations.

WifiMAX is a promising technology with range of tens of miles, which can break the telco barrier. However it may take years to arrive commercially.

Google is doing an admirable job of providing WiFi access to communities. I think companies like Yahoo should lend support to their initiative and between the two they can WiFi enable the whole country, if they want to.

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